Monday, June 28, 2010

The Intro/Shpeel

Hey you! Look over here, over on the left! Yeah, that's me.. this is the wedding that start it all. This whole thing started when I spent an entire summer coordinating, attending, and participating in weddings while also planning my own.

As a bride to be, snatching every piece of wedding planner, "how-to", magazine, and literature I could get my hands on; I realized...I may be on my own, regardless. How does one know where to begin? Is it possible that the planners and datelines actually work as a blanket statement for EVERY bride? With a full-time job and already struggling social life, how do I and do I even have time to sift through ALL of this information to find what I actually need?! How do I even know what all needs to be done and once I know that...what comes first?! Who do I invite when I suddenly feel like I know enough people to fill Yankee Stadium? Who do I include in my bridal party? Where do I have my wedding, that is, once I decide indoor or outdoor?! Since the intial frazzle, I have done my best to sift through, note jot, organize, prioritize, and glean every bit of wisdom I could get. In doing all of this I realized how stressful it could be, not only for myself, but for all the other brides-to-be (DIY or not). Here is my attempt at the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". My hope is that this becomes a resource or breath of fresh air, even if only to one person. Congratulations and ENJOY!

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